Section D: Read and complete the passage with the given words or phrases. new idea success development sales manager American marketGood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Thank you very much for coming to our conference this afternoon. I’m Henry Johnson,the 1 of Smart Toys. Now I’d like to introduce you to a completely 2 of toy manufacture. Firstly, I’ll talk about the market research which led to the 3 of this product. Then I’ll explain the production and our sales plan. Finally, I’ll make some suggestions so that you can make this product a 4 .We are confident this new productwill sell well in the 5 . At the end of my speech, we’ll have a question-and-answer section. 答案: 1. sales manager 2. new idea 3. development 4. success 5. American marketTheme II Vocabulary & Structure Vocabulary & Structure 单元测验
